Climate change is impacting all wildlife, including the snow leopard. Just within the last 20 years the Tibetan plateau, which has about half of the remaining snow leopard population, has increased by 3 degrees (SLT The Threats, 2019). Three degrees may seem small, however, changes have already been seen impacting the ecosystem from the vegetation, water supplies, and animals (SLT The Threats, 2019). If climate change continues the way it is going over a third of the snow leopards habitat can become unsuitable for snow leopards (ICN Snow Leopard, 2020).
With temperatures increasing it is desertifying the landscape resulting in herders moving farther into snow leopard habitat creating more conflicts, like snow leopards preying on livestock (Holland, 2015). There is a prediction that Mongolia will increase in temperature by seven degrees Fahrenheit by the end of this century (Holland, 2015). If climate change continues on its current path, Nepal could lose between 28% and 82% of snow leopard habitat, while Bhutan could lose between 39% and 85% of snow leopard habitat, all by 2070 (Juan, 2016).
Part of snow leopard habitat is covered in permafrost which is being impacted by climate change (ICN Snow Leopard, 2020). The treeline temperature is also increasing and playing a role in the snow leopards shrinking habitat (ICN Snow Leopard, 2020). If the treeline continues to shift, then 30% of their habitat can be lost (WWF US, 2012). This change will create fragmentation, may separate snow leopard populations resulting in isolation that can threaten their viability (WWF US, 2012).
You can help reduce climate change by watching your carbon footprint, reducing your water use, decreasing your meat consumption, using renewable energy and using reusable and sustainable items.
Literature Cited
Holland, H. (2015, December 2). Snow leopards face new threat from climate change- people. National Geographic. -mongolia-climate-change-snow-leopards-livestock-world-wildlife-fund/
Inside Climate News. (2020). Species on the move: Snow leopard.
Juan, L. (2016, October 10). Only 35% of snow leopard habitat are safe from climate change.
Snow Leopard Trust. (2019). The threats: The snow leopard is under threat.
World Wildlife Fund International. (2017, October 18). Snow leopards, water, people and climate change [Video]. YouTube.
World Wildlife Fund United States. (2012, July 16). Protecting snow leopards in the face of climate change. -in-the-face-of-climate-change