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Cheetah Ecotourism

Writer: Tabby ReedTabby Reed

Ecotourism is nature-based tourism that educates people with minimal-impact management and contributes to conservation (Buckley, 1994; Mossaz et al., 2015). Ecotourism provides financial, political and local community support for conservation benefit (Mossaz et al., 2015). Cheetahs are considered a high profile animal that people come to Africa to see which allows tourism to be used as a conservation tool (Mossaz et al., 2015).

Action for Cheetahs in Kenya (ACK) is a cheetah organization and long-term project in Kenya, Africa (ACK About Us, 2020). The project was created with support from the Cheetah Conservation Fund in affiliation with the Kenya Wildlife Service (KWS). ACK conducts national cheetah surveys while also evaluating the status of the cheetah population (ACK About Us, 2020). Action for Cheetahs was the first project under Carnivores, Livelihoods and Landscapes (ACK About Us, 2020). They focus on habitat monitoring, cheetah tracking, camera trapping and conflict mitigation (ACK About Us, 2020).

They created a COOL Crafts program that supports small-scale Kenyan craft artists and market craftwork (ACK Cool Crafts, 2020). The artists are able to earn a living, develop a business venture and benefit conservation projects (ACK Cool Crafts, 2020). COOL stands for Cheetahs, Otters, Owls and Lions and reflects on the diversity of carnivores found throughout Kenya (ACK Cool Crafts, 2020). The artists create quality crafts made from locally available, renewable and recycled products (ACK Cool Crafts, 2020). This crafts for conservation project raises profits that benefit conservation research, community development and education initiatives (ACK Cool Crafts, 2020). The COOL Craft logo represents African animals that inspire community relationships (ACK Cool Crafts, 2020). You can shop the COOL Crafts online store at:

Sustainable ecotourism focuses on environmental conservation, equity, education, and economic benefits (Powell & Ham, 2008). The COOL Crafts creates the economic benefit that is used for research and education that leads to environmental conservation and equity. Ecotourism can also provide interpretation services (Powell & Ham, 2008).


Literature Cited

Action for Cheetahs in Kenya. (2020). About us.

Action for Cheetahs in Kenya. (2020). Cool crafts.

Buckley, R. (1994). A framework for ecotourism. Annals of Tourism Research, 21, 661-665.

Cool Crafts. (2020). [Cheetah with cheetah soccer ball] [Photographp].

Mossaz, A., Buckley, R.C., & Castley, J.G. (2015). Ecotourism contributions to conservation of African big cats. Elsevier: Journal for Nature Conservation, 28, 112-118.

Powell, R.B., & Ham, S.H. (2008) Can ecotourism interpretation really lead to pro-conservation knowledge, attitudes and behaviour? Evidence from the Galapagos Islands. Journal of Sustainable Tourism. doi:10.2167/jost797.0



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