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Cheetah Prey Loss

Writer: Tabby ReedTabby Reed

Prey loss is another threat impacing cheetahs. Humans are overhunting cheetah prey species (Panthera Cheetah, 2020). Development and habitat loss also aids to the loss of prey for cheetahs, and other predators (Panthera Threats Facing the Cheetah, 2020). The reduction in prey species also means a reduction in predator carrying capacity in the area (Hayward et al., 2007; Marker et al., 2018).

Cheetahs are opportunistic hunters that use their speed to catch their prey (Hayward et a;., 2006; Marker et al., 2003; Marker et al., 2018). Cheetah prey has evolved to have more speed to try and escape from the cheetah (CCF About Cheetahs, 2020). Cheetahs normally prey on gazelles, impalas, and other small to medium-sized antelopes as well as calves of larger herd animals (CCF About Cheetahs, 2020). Cheetahs enjoy the chase and prefer to prey upon wild animals rather than livestock, unless they are sick, injured, old or young cheetahs (CCF About Cheetahs, 2020). The livestock that cheetahs usually prey on are also sick, injured, old or young (CCF About Cheetahs, 2020).

Cheetahs are one of the most successful hunters on the savanna, but their kills are usually stolen by other predators, like lions or leopards (CCF About Cheetahs, 2020). Cheetahs, like all predators, help keep the prey species populations healthy and in a reasonable size that the environment can handle (CCF About Cheetahs, 2020). They also help keep the prey species from overgrazing any one area (CCF About Cheetahs, 2020).


Literature Cited

BBC Earth. (2019, October 20). Cheetahs are incredible predators!: Wild files with Maddie Moate: BBC earth [Video]. YouTube.

Cheetah Conservation Fund. (2020). About cheetahs.

Hayward, M.W., Hofmeyr, M., O’Brien, J., Kerley, G.I.H. (2006). Prey preferences of the cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) (Felidae: Carnivora): Morphological limitations or the need to capture rapidly consumable prey before kleptoparasites arrive? J. Zool. 270, 615–627.

Hayward, M.W., O’Brien, J., Kerley, G.I.H., 2007. Carrying capacity of large African predators: predictions and tests. Biol. Conserv. 139, 219–229.

Marker, L., Boast, L.K., Schmidt-Küntzel, Nyhus, P.J. (Eds.). (2018). Cheetahs: Biology and

conservation. Elsevier Inc.

Marker, L.L., Muntifering, J.R., Dickman, A.J., Mills, M.G.L., Macdonald, D.W. (2003).

Quantifying prey preferences of free-ranging Namibian cheetahs. S. Afr. J. Wildl. Res. 33, 43–53.

Panthera. (2020). Cheetah.

Panthera. (2020). Threats facing the cheetah.



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