The illegal pet trade is an increasing threat impacting cheetahs. For thousands of years the elite of the ancient world had cheetahs in captivity and as companions (CCF Illegal Pet Trade, 2020). Unfortunately this need for cheetahs being used as pets continues today and the illegal pet trade is the main reason the Asiatic cheetah is almost extinct (CCF Illegal Pet Trade, 2020). Cheetahs are still being illegally taken from the wild to support the pet trade because of the elite status they symbolize and the growing use of social media (Bale, 2016; CCF Illegal Pet Trade, 2020). Currently the Horn of Africa is a hotspot for wild cheetahs being illegally taken from the wild and being smuggled into the Middle East, where the highest demand is for pet cheetahs(CCF Illegal Pet Trade, 2020). Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya were the first ones to raise awareness of cheetahs entering the illegal pet trade, back in 2012 (RWCP Illegal Trade in Cheetah, 2020).

People often forget that cheetahs have a special diet, it is expensive to feed them, and having them eat the wrong thing can cause major health issues (Bale, 2016). Cheetahs also need space to roam around in (Bale, 2016). Most cheetah cubs are bought for $10,000, but they are all bought illegally (Casey, 2016). Since 2005 there have been 250 cases involving 1,000 illegally traded cheetahs (Bale, 2016; Casey, 2016).
The Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) is working to put an end to the illegal pet trade. CCF has been involved in the illegal pet trade since 2005 when they made their first confiscation of two cheetah cubs in the Somali region of Ethiopia (CCF Illegal Pet Trade, 2020). The Bureau of Oceans and International Scientific and Environmental Affairs of the US Department of State created the Coalition Against Wildlife Trafficking (CAWT), which is a voluntary public-private coalition, and in 2007 CCF became a founding member (CCF Illegal Pet Trade, 2020).
Once CCF confiscates a cheetah cub they provide a health checkup to see what condition the cub is in (Marker, 2020). In several cases the cubs are ill, malnourished, and covered in parasites and unfortunately some die within the first 72 hours of being confiscated (Marker, 2020). CCF claims that one in six cheetah cubs survives the journey to the buyer (CCF Illegal Pet Trade, 2020). The CCF veterinary team has achieved a survival rate of 87% in getting cubs to survive past their first 72 hours in critical care (Marker, 2020). The cubs still have to fight for survival after the 72 hours.
You can report any information about cheetahs or other wildlife individuals or parts entering the illegal wildlife or pet trade at . Cheetahs are a wild animal and belong in the wild. Once a cheetah is removed from the wild it is very rare that they ever go back and usually have to live out their life in professional managed care.
*The cheetah cub photo above was taken by Helene Hoffman. You can view her Flickr page for more images.
Literature Cited
Bale, R. (2016, September 30). Rich people’s pet cheetahs put wild cheetahs at risk. National Geographic. -watch-cheetah-pet-trade-restricted-cites/
Casey, M. (2016, January 14). Pet cheetahs pose with fancy cars and boats on instagram. National Geographic.
Cheetah Conservation Fund. (2019, August 21). Cheetah conservation fund on illegal pet trade in cheetahs [Video]. YouTube.
Cheetah Conservation Fund. (2020). Illegal pet trade.
Hoffman, H. (2016, April 21). Almost everyone [Photograph]. Flickr.
Marker, L. (2020, August 21). Life at CCF: CCF’s statement on cheetahs confiscated from the illegal pet trade. on-cheetahs-confiscated-from-the-illegal-pet-trade/
Range Wide Conservation Program for Cheetah and African Wild Dogs. (2020). Illegal trade in cheetah.